Dr. Pooper Scooper

Dog Waste Removal Services in Sussex County, NJ

Dr. Pooper Scooper will take care of one of the worst parts of being a pet owner: cleaning up the nasty traces your pet leaves behind. Our pet waste removal service travels all over New Jersey’s Sussex County to make sure your lawn stays green and clean.

My name is Richard Roy and I began Dr. Pooper Scooper after years of working in lawn care. I frequently noticed dog poop and other waste on otherwise beautiful lawns; no one seemed to have the time to go out and clean it up. Since then, I’ve been working professionally in the pet waste removal industry. I can rid your yard of waste from otherwise loveable pets, (both yours and others).

When you need dog poop cleanup, or removal of any other waste near the northern tip of New Jersey, call Dr. Pooper Scooper. We service all of Sussex County, including Lafayette Township, Sparta, Newton, Andover and Vernon Township.

$17 per visit based on weekly service only and number of dogs.

For most people, I bill you once a month. Click here for contact information.

The pet waste removal service of choice for all of New Jersey’s Sussex County!

We service many of the local townships within the area, including:

  • Andover
  • Byram
  • Branchville
  • Frankford
  • Franklin
  • Green Township
  • Hamburg
  • Hardyston
  • Hopatcong
  • Lafayette
  • Newton
  • Stanhope
  • Vernon